
100 DAYS javascript challenge

Welcome to our 100 days of coding class focused on JavaScript! In this intensive program, you will have the opportunity to dive deep into the world of coding and become proficient in one of the most popular programming languages used today. You will learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and how to apply it to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the skills and knowledge to succeed in the field of web development. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey towards becoming a proficient JavaScript developer!.


Index of our javascript class

Our online JavaScript class covers the basics of programming with the popular language. you will learn how to create and manipulate variables, use loops and control structures, and work with arrays and objects. Through hands-on exercises and projects, you will gain practical experience applying their knowledge.


step 1

watch tutorial

Learn the basics of JavaScript with our easy-to-follow tutorial video. watch videos and learn


step 2


spend atlest 10 minutes every day for practicing JavaScript to become a better developer..


Step 2

create small projects

Small projects allow for focused learning and practical application of JavaScript concepts.


step 4

build own project

Creating your own projects allows for hands-on practice and the opportunity to apply and improve JavaScript skills.

JavaScript starting

js introduction, js statements, js syntax, js comments, js variables, js let, js const, js operators, js arithmetic, js assignment, js datatype, js functions, js objects, js events,

data types and structures

js strings, js string methods, js string search, js string templates, js number, js bigint, js number methods, js array sort, js array iteration, js array const, js dates, js date formats, js date get methods, js date set methods, js math, js random, js booleans

condition flow and loops

js comparisons, js if-else, js switch, js loop-for, js loop-for-in, js loop-for-of, js loop while, js break, js Iterables,

classes modules and functions

js sets, js maps, js typeof, js type conversation, js bitwise, js regexp, js precedence, js errors, js scope, js hosting, js strict-mode, js this keyword, js arrow-function, js classes, js modules, js JSON, js debugging, js style guide, js best practices, js mistakes, js performance, js reserved words

start next secttion topics

js objects, js functions , js classes, js async, js html dom, js browser dom, js js web api, js ajax, js json, js vs jquery, js graphics, js exapmles, js refrences


Contact Us

Contact us for personalized JavaScript course and training


49 Smith St.
Saint Cloud, MN 56301